Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fun Facts about Daylight Saving

Don't forget to change your clocks on November 2nd!
What do you think of Daylight Saving?  Love it or hate it, here are some things you might not know about it. 
  1. Daylight Savings time is not correct.  It's Daylight saving time.  (it's even incorrect in the graphic I used) 
  2. Benjamin Franklin is not the originator of DST.  This misconception comes from a satirical essay in which he suggested Parisians wake up at dawn in order to use sunshine instead of candles which would save the modern-day equivalent of $200 million dollars.  This was  a proposed change in sleep schedules, not  the time.  
  3.  The first county to enact daylight saving time was Germany in 1916.
  4.  Daylight saving time affects over a billion people a year and is used by over 70 countries in the world. 
  5. American farmers were deeply opposed to DST.  Farmers schedules are dictated by the sun, not the clock.  Daylight savings was very disruptive to farmers.
  6. It has been retail outlets and recreational businesses that have been strong supporters of DST over the years. 
  7. Franklin D. Roosevelt started daylight saving in the USA on February 9th 1942. 
  8. Originally the time zones were called Eastern War time, Central War time and Pacific War time.  When the war was over the zones were re-named "peace time"
  9. DST hasn't always been standardized. From 1945 to 1966 states and localities were free to choose when and if they observed DST.  

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