Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Vetrans Day! Things to know about VA loans

VA loan options and facts
  • You can purchase a condo, a single family home or a  unit in a VA-approved project
  • Construct a home
  •  Purchase and improve a home at the same time
  • Renovate a home by installing energy-related features or making energy efficient improvements
  • Buy a lot and/or manufactured home.
  • The spouse of a Veteran can also apply for home loan eligibility under certain conditions
  • You can get more than one VA loan, as long as the property on which the VA loan was used for was sold and the VA loan was paid in full. 
  • VA loans are sometimes assumable
  • No loan limits
  • No down payment required
  • No PMI required 
Call your favorite lender to get more information about VA loans.  

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