Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How will the non-permitted work affect the ability to get a loan?

Lots of properties in our area have work done on them that is done without permits.  Often, these modifications aren't noticeable.  That's probably because the work doesn't change the footprint of the home, such as an update to the kitchen or bathrooms.  Some changes, like enclosing a patio  or changing the number of bedrooms are more noticeable.  Especially since they will be different than the county records.  These changes won't necessarily make it a no go for the loan, but it's important that the following items  are considered. 

There can't be any Health or Safety issues with the home.
The work must be done in a professional manner.
The home must still be marketable.
The cost to return the home to it's permitted state and how the value would be affected. 

In the past if a home had non-permitted  work, a loan was very difficult to get.  Things are changing now and it's easier!

If you are considering buying a home that has work done without permits be aware  that the loan process might be more involved. 

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